Using Cornucopia

You can use Cornucopia as a CLI or a library API depending on your needs. The CLI is simpler and allows you to use the same binary for all your projects, but the library can be used to integrate or automate Cornucopia as part of your own project.


Cornucopia is flexible with how it can be used. Here are some useful workflows when developing with Cornucopia:


This is the simplest workflow. Create a queries/ directory containing your PostgreSQL queries at the root of your crate. Then, run the CLI to generate a file in your src/ folder. Note that the CLI will require the path to one or more PostgreSQL schemas to build against.

You're done! Now you can import your generated query items from the cornucopia module. When you modify your queries or schemas, you can re-run the CLI to update the generated code.

Automatic query rebuild

The setup is the same as the basic workflow, but instead of using the CLI to generate your queries, create a build script that invokes Cornucopia's API. Build scripts have built-in functionalities that allow them to be re-executed every time your queries or schema(s) change. See this example for details.

Self-managed database

With this workflow, you don't need a container manager at all. Set up your database in the state you want, then use Cornucopia's live functionality to build directly against this database using a connection URL. Both the CLI and API support this.